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Healthy Eating – How to Eat Healthy and Stay Healthy

Healthy Eating – How to Eat Healthy
and Stay Healthy
The foods you eat affect the way your body works thefinancialmetrics, and your mood. Keeping a steady
diet with the right balance of nutrients and fibre can help you stay healthy, lose
weight, keep your energy levels high and avoid diseases such as cancer and heart

New Year New You 2022: How to Eat a Healthy Diet
Healthy eating is a combination of different meals and snacks that provide a range
of key nutrients and are low in saturated fat, added sugars, salt and calories. A
balanced diet containing lots of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and
legumes, and dairy and fortified soy alternatives can improve your health and
reduce your risk of illness and disease.
Diets can vary widely, but the majority of people around the world are likely to follow
a dietary pattern that is low in fatty and processed meats, high in plant-based foods
(fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds) and low in refined
carbohydrates and alcohol. These dietary patterns generally align with the WHO
Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases and
have been linked with lower risks of many NCDs.
Foods that are good sources of protein, calcium and iron will help you build strong
bones, teeth and muscles. Foods that contain these nutrients should form the
foundation of your daily diet and include fish, legumes, nuts, eggs, tofu, soy
products, milk and fortified cereals.

Eat Healthy and Stay Active in the New Year | USDA
Carbohydrates are also important to your nutrition, but you should choose
carbohydrates that have limited or no processing. This includes whole grain bread,
pasta and cereals as well as fresh fruits and vegetables.
Vegetables and fruit are important for your health because they are a good source
of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. Consuming a variety of different fruits and
vegetables, including leafy greens such as kale, spinach, chard and broccoli can help
to increase the amount of vitamins, minerals and fibre in your diet.
Try experimenting with new recipes and cooking methods, such as grilling, roasting,
steaming or stir-frying. You can also add a little sweetness to your meals by adding
naturally sweet vegetables such as carrots, beetroots, yams, potatoes and onions.
Drink water instead of drinks that are high in sugar or calories, such as soft drinks,
cordials, fruit-flavored drinks and alcoholic beverages. It is also a good idea to keep
a water bottle in your pocket so you can always have water on hand.
A balanced diet is the best way to prevent disease and maintain a healthy weight. It
is important to eat a variety of different foods from each of the 5 major food groups,
in the amounts recommended.
If you need a break from eating the same things over and over again, give yourself
time to discover new foods or to find healthier versions of your favourites. This will
help to make the transition easier and will mean you are less likely to fall back into
bad habits

Author Since: Aug 27, 2020

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